When we give generously and sacrificially, it's not because God needs anything, but because we want to show our love for him. Giving is an expression of obedience, yes, but also of gratitude, trust, and increasing joy.

There are many ways to give here at Family Community Church of the Nazarene. Below are way that you can give.

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When we give God something that costs us, we point to the past, acknowledging that everything we have comes from him. We declare our gratitude, but we also point toward the future. Giving up something we might need is a move of trust, evidence that we believe that he could do it all over again and that, in his time, he will provide for every one of our needs.

God asks us to trust him like this, and he often inspires us to give more. Giving is the only arena in which God invites us to actually test it (Malachi 3:10), not so we will get more, but so we can see that he has everything and wants to be generous to us.

When we honor God with our gifts, we acknowledge that he has everything we need and has promised to take care of us. When we give something we might be depending on, we show our love and trust that he will keep his promises.

When we give in abundance, even to the point that people think we might be overdoing it (like King David or Mary), God sees.

When we begin to grasp what he has done for us – the deep, immeasurable and sacrificial gift he has given to us – the question demands to be answered: How are we supposed to respond to a gift like this? How do we respond to this unfathomable love and grace and sacrifice?

The simple answer is that we worship. We do what pleases him and brings him glory. When the Spirit leads us to worship the Lord by giving, God is glorified, and others may come to know him too.