Children's Director

Linda Loudermilk

Children's Director

My name is Linda Loudermilk and I serve as the Children's Director. I am blessed to be surrounded by an amazing team of Ministry Leaders whose highest priority is to partner with parents to train up children who love and follow Jesus with all their hearts.  We offer many opportunities for your children to grow and learn about Jesus here at Family Community.

On Sunday mornings, we offer age appropriate ministries including nursery, preschool, and a high energized Children's Church hour. All our volunteers are background checked and we have a wonderful team waiting to greet you and your children in our “kid check” area.

Each week children have an opportunity to participate in Children’s Bible Quizzing on Sunday afternoons, and Missions on the Move on Wednesday evenings. Throughout the year we offer many opportunities for you children to grow and participate in. Some of our greatest highlights are our annual Spring Musical and our Summer Vacation Bible School.

Mark 10:13  Jesus said, "Let the little chidden come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  and He took the children in His arms and placed His hands on them and blessed them.